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Smiles everyday

Photo de l'article : Mamie contente avec sa lettre


You start your day, and someone knocks at your door. In their hands is a letter that they give you. Who is it from? Well you do not know its author at all. But still it is addressed to you.

The writer starts by introducing themselves, tell you a piece of their life, what they like and do not like, their favorite holidays, their dreams. They wander about you and send you supporting words, encouragement and love. When you are looking through the window you think that despite the distance, you are together and look at the same sky. Someone, somewhere in the world, is taking time to write to you to let you know one thing: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

« Dear correspondents,

We were really happy to receive your mail and pictures.

We are all very touched to realize how much generosity and solidarity still exist and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. (…) We are glad to see that young people think about their elders »


Letter written by residents of a partner care home.

How does it work in practice?

In a lot of care homes, the reading of your letters is a sacred moment. Some animators read the all beforehand so that no letter is given randomly. The animator of the Nouvel Horizon (Partage et Vie Foundation) also told us:

« A blind person received a letter describing landscapes and gardens very accurately. She was so happy to be able to « see » again. To another resident who used to love to sail when she was young, was given the story of a boat trip that would transport her back at sea. It felt like these letters were written precisely for them. »

Emotion, surprise, joy. Residents do not understand why someone, who they never met, never seen, would take time to write to them. But afterwards this letter become precious. Some residents ask the caregivers to read it to them every day, some keep it on their bed side table or as a bookmark.

Photo de l'article : Grand mère lisant une lettre

« A big thank you to all of you »

Then comes the answer, our favorite part! After reading the letter many want to answer. They call, they write a letter, and email… Everyone finds their own way to get back to this mysterious friend. And what a joy for the original author to finally discover their recipient.

But sadly, not everyone is capable of responding… If you do not receive any answer, do not be sad, et be convinced that your letter was a « sun ray in a disrupted daily life ».


« These letters are like a sun ray in a disrupted daily life! And knowing that someone is thinking about us feel great!

Thank you again for this wonderful initiative. »


(Nathalie, animator in a partner care home)

Albane Morin (communication team)

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