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1 Letter 1 Smile in Marseille

Photo de l'article : L'association 1 Lettre 1 Sourire aux terrasses du port de Marseille

On the 14th of July 2020, first day of the summer sales, 1 Lettre 1 Sourire was organizing an event for the care homes of Marseille in the mall of Les Terrasses du port. A great way to make people aware of the association. A few of you followers of 1 Lettre 1 Sourire created a team to support the team members for the day, adding fun and positivity to the event. We thank you for your precious help!

A day with the volunteers of Marseille

For the whole day, the team of 1 Lettre 1 Sourire offered to the people in the mall to write some loving words on a Post-It for a lonely elderly person. The Post-It was then stuck to a big sign. Of course, the goal of this short activity was to present to the people the courses of actions of the association. During this sales day, more than 600 messages were written by strangers! 1 Lettre 1 Sourire also thought of decoration the entire Marseille mall with yellow balloons, color of the association.

Photo de l'article : Post Instagram avec un panneau dans un EHPAD et un grand-père devant
Instagram : @innov_events_marseille

Your words in the Marseille care homes

People coming for the sales managed in one afternoon to fill up two signs full of sticky notes, representing the logo of the association. Because the main goal is to recreate the link between generations, the two signs were given to two care homes in Marseille so that the residents could read those sweet words. The establishments and the residents were delighted by the gift you have done to them.

We will never tell you this enough: thank you Marseille and thank you to everyone that are supporting us in this adventure!

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